Saturday, April 14, 2007


My first blog was a hit with Jenny and Viggy they had a fun calling each other man and doing stuff with Michael Jackson one of them is gay i couldnt tell. This all started cause i made a GeorgeM. quote. So now im suppose to say something else to make them fight but im out. PEACE


Jenny said...

Haha sorry we used your first post so violently but what can I say George M really bothered me. And Viggy is the gay man btw.

Anonymous said...

michael jackson. word.

actually, its 2. but WHATEVER.

he is word.

Abbalicious said...

viggy a gay man??? i would never have guessed. word nina.. oh btw its abby sagher

Jenny said...

haha see even abby knows that viggys a gay man. She admits. Patrick you need to eaither comment on my bloggie or do another post. PLEEEEEAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEie